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Jean) Wolf...Please don't go...

Wolf) ...You'll be fine...

Jean) No I'm not...

Wolf) Jean, Pyrus is in his room, he probably will not remember what happened...

Jean) He will...

Wolf) No, he'll probably think he had a dream...*Grabs doorknob*

Jean) And what if he doesn't! He'll call Marcus and I'll be screwed!

Wolf) But I'll just be in another room...

Jean) While you're gone, though...

Wolf) *Bites lip* Ugh...Jean...

Jean) Please...

Wolf) I'm sorry, but you're worrying about something that isn't going to happen...And even if it does, I'll be back before it happens...

Jean) Please stay...Or at least take me...

Wolf) I can't...*Opens the door*

Jean) *Gets off bed* Wolf...

[ Jean has a flashback ]

Jean) Marcus...Please don't go, Mom and Dad will...

Marcus) Mom and Dad will not know...They're asleep, right?

Jean) Yes, but...

Marcus) Marcus doesn't want any butts... *Holds doorknob*

Jean) Marcus, just stay!

Marcus) You know what...*Turns around and walks towards Jean*...They need their medicine, they're sick...

Jean) I know they're very sick, but I can go too!

Marcus) You can't


Marcus) No...*Touches Jean's hair and slowly moves it* You'll be fine...

[ Out of Jean's flashback ]

Wolf) Jean...*Messes with Jean's hair*

Jean) ...

Wolf) I promise, I'll be back soon...*Kisses Jean*

Marcus) I promise, I'll be back soon...*Kisses Jean's forehead*

[To Wolf] Jean) *Kisses back and then moves head away* Okay, Mar-Wolf...

[To Marcus] Jean) Okay...

( Wolf and Marcus leave )

Humagons: Episode 29
