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Pyrus) I know...

???) Besides, who's this guy...

Pyrus) Ice, I'd like you to meet Wolf...He's the newest member to our team...

Ice) Well...Hi...

Pyrus) Wolf, this is Ice...

Wolf) Hi Ice...

???) And me?

Pyrus) This is my other spy, Blue...

Blue) Thanks

Wolf) Hi

Pyrus) And this base we're in was made by Marcus...

Wolf) ...You know...I need to do something...

C22Helios) Which is...

Wolf) None of your business...C22...

C22Helios) Why not, you think you're a punk...Don't ya?!

( Grabs Wolf's jacket )

Wolf) ...

Pyrus) Yo...C22, come here...

C22Helios) Sure...

( Lets go of Wolf )

Wolf) Phew...*Walks to Jean's door*

Knock, knock...

Pyrus) Okay?

C22Helios) Okay...

( Wolf opens Jean's door and closes it )

Jeans) ...

Wolf) Look at you...You have a black pillow case and sheets...

Jean) Yeah...

Wolf) *Walks to a dresser* And that's a picture of your brother...Right?

Jean) Yeah...What do you want...

Wolf) Well...*Heads towards Jean's bed* I just want to talk...

Jean) Right now or privately...

Wolf) Privately...

Jean) Then get of the bed...

Wolf) Okay...*Gets on the bed, next to Jean*

Jean) So...

( Jean reaches under her bed )

( The bed turns, sending Wolf and Jean down a square hole )

( The bed turns around fully )

Humagons: Episode 22
