Fanonlords Wiki

Wolfgang lays down, looking outside...

Wolfgang) That's our stalker bakugan over there...

Crysemtion Volf) *Flies towards the window, blocking a portion of Wolfgang's vision for a moment* Where?

Wolfgang) He's gone...Volf, you had to get in my way so quickly.

Crysemtion Volf) Hey, I wanted to see. It's not my fault that I'm faster because of the decrease in my abilities. Blame that one on Professor Nintendo.

Wolfgang) Yeah, but he made your attributes into ability cards and made us some pretty cool ones too.

Crysemtion Volf) Really?!

Wolfgang) Really.

Crysemtion Volf) How come I was never informed of this?

Wolfgang) Don't know.

( Samantha walks into the bedroom )

Samantha) Breakfast is done, Wolfgang.

Wolfgang) Okay, thank you, Samantha.

Samantha) Something's missing, though.

Wolfgang) What?

Samantha) A kiss...Think we should kiss right now?

Wolfgang) Uh...

Samantha) Well, not until you tell me where you were.

Wolfgang) Okay.

Samantha) Care to tell me?

Wolfgang) During breakfast, I will.

Samantha) No, not during breakfast. Sometime when the kids aren't around, Wolfgang.

Wolfgang) After breakfast we could just come in here...

Samantha) Yeah...

Wolfgang) So after breakfast?

Samantha) Sure.


( DF and Nirrel walk across a narrow path with eternal darkness before )

( A violent rumble happens )

( The path begins to crumple under DF )

DF) *Falling* NIRREL!

( Nirrel searches through his fur )


( Nirrel pulls a jetpack out )


( Nirrel puts the jetpack on and flies )

Nirrel) I'M TOO LATE! I CANNOT BE TOO LATE! *Flies downwards*

( Nirrel disappears )

Up on a cliff near Wolfgang and Samantha's mansion...

???) Ready to attack?

Blue) Not yet, we have to wait.

???) But I hate waiting!

Blue) SO WHAT?!

( Green flames burst )

( When the green flames clear, Blue and ??? lay on the ground, unconscious )

Defaming Fogs: Episode 6
